Amanda McCordic is a mother, wife, lawyer, entrepreneur, terminal cancer survivor and a Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki Master.
In December 2019, Amanda was diagnosed with aggressive Breast Cancer, and by April of 2020, the cancer was deemed terminal. A classic type “A” personality, Amanda made the conscious decision to live with hope and to focus on healing, rather than dying. 
Through divine intervention Amanda had her very first Reiki session 12 hours after finding her first cancer tumour. Amanda’s cancer journey kicked started her spiritual journey, and she leaned heavily into Reiki to help her heal all parts of her body, mind and soul. Defying her oncologist expectations or understandings, Amanda was able to totally heal her cancer metastases, and her scans have remained clean since November 2020.
While pushing through her own healing, Amanda witnesses her husband, Matt, losing his battle with his mental health. In March of 2020, Matt committed suicide in their home, leading to some of the most emotional and spiritually challenging days of her life. Amanda again leaned into Reiki, making peace with his choice and the difficult path they had walked together. Amanda openly chronicled the ups and downs of her cancer journey and her loss of Matt on her Facebook page, “Amanda’s Tango with Terminal Cancer.” Offering candid insight into her path and the lessons she had learnt. 
Amanda credits Reiki with guiding and healing her. Amand has such gratitude for all that Reiki is and does for her, she felt called to help spread the light, hope and love of Reiki to all those who seek it, while also assisting Reiki Master’s with sharing their light through entrepreneurship. It was as a result of this calling that Dragonfly Marketplace was created. 
Amanda resides just outside of Fredericton, New Brunswick, with her second husband Brad, children Ethan and Amelia, dogs Larsen and Zoe, and cats Jake Puralota and CleoCatra. She remains healthy, strong, vibrant and incredibly thankful for her second chance. 

Connect Amanda:



Facebook page, “Amanda’s Tango with Terminal Cancer.”


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**DISCLAIMER** This episode is not a substitute for seeking professional medical care but is offered for relaxation and stress reduction which support the body’s natural healing capabilities. Reiki is a complement to and never a replacement for professional medical care. Colleen and Robyn are not licensed professional health care providers and urge you to always seek out the appropriate physical and mental help professional health care providers may offer. Results vary by individual.