It’s completely normal for new real estate investors to hesitate to fully jump into the business because of the question marks. What do I need to do? How do I do it? Where do I start? Can I afford to do it? What if I make a mistake and blow all my money? Joe and I have been there, done that and we want to teach you what worked and still works for us so that you can avoid as many mistakes as possible in launching your real estate investing business.

So, we’re doing another live marketing class. In this live marketing class, we will be demonstrating what we would do if we only had a little bit of money, our personal time, and a laptop – which is basically all we had when we first started. We’ll show you the right mindset and the steps we take that work in the market right now.

The market changes and we’ll only teach you what we do – we won’t ever teach you anything that we don’t do or doesn’t work for us. Join us LIVE for this all-day deep-dive Masterclass and watch “over our shoulder” as we show you exactly how we do marketing for deals in 2022… even if you don’t have a lot of money… even in a difficult market!

The class happens on March 28th so RSVP now!

Go to to sign up.

What’s Inside:

New live marketing class.What to expect in this class. 

Mentioned In This Episode:
Live Marketing Masterclass