I got the inspiration for today’s topic from a recent coaching call I had with my clients. When we’re just starting out, we think we need to learn every little detail about the real estate business. When we spend too much time trying to be the best at everything, we lose opportunities, and we don’t close deals. It’s way more effective to build a network of experts and rely on them to help you with the pieces.

Whether you need insurance, creative financing, or a title company, leaning on your network to figure things out allows you to solve problems in way less time. You don’t have to be an expert on technology or get in the weeds with paperwork when you have an expert in your network. You could easily spend years trying to learn it all, but you’ll leave deals on the table. To get ahead, just jump in, figure it out as you go, and focus on connecting with the right people who can help you.

What’s Inside:

Why you should lean on your network instead of trying to do everything on your own.Key relationships to seek out to help you with the details of real estate transactions.How building a solid network helps you close more deals.

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