Find new definitions of success! Detach from outcomes! Ask yourself "what is uniquely mine here to do?"! And then scatter those seeds, ash, glass, lava rock out into the world through an explosive move...or a gentle drop. Your choice!

The natural pattern of scattering provides us with so much wisdom and inspiration for what's important. For what's a good use of our precious energy. For who we actually are, and how we can feel nourished. 

This podcast form feels a little more scattered than the previous ones, and that's not intentional at all, maybe just how it's supposed to be.

Tune in to consider reshaping industrialized patterns into ones that are better for you, a living thing, and for the world you're wanting to participate in.  

Scatter is pattern #8 of a 8 patterns in podcast form that we'd normally deliver in an online workshop, but, you can tune in here for free.


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UPDATE SINCE THIS EPISODE AIRED: You can now get a podcast-specifically-for-you, access to the resources on the blog, access to the breathing room (breathwork for educators!) for FREE (forever) by joining our first tier. Check it out!

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