Friction! Speed! Industrial Culture in a Nutshell! We talk about it all in this episode where we offer some insight on maybe where we DON'T need to streamline, actually. Where it actually is counter to our values (wait, what are OUR values, even?!). We take a stab at where it's most helpful to apply streamlining, and where might be doing us a disservice-- mainly in the classroom, but this episode, as most of them, can apply to most other areas of life. Since our culture mainly exists in this industrial paradigm. :)

Streamlining is episode #4 of a 9-episode podcast (#1 was the intro!) that we'd normally deliver in an online workshop, but, really, maybe you're sick of logging into Zoom AFTER work, and would prefer it coming through your weekly podcast feed? I dunno! We're experimenting here!

Check out the podcast series website page

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UPDATE SINCE THIS EPISODE AIRED: WE ARE VERBS! Read more! It's a program and a community for educators who are interested in regenerative futures, and we'd love for you to join! You can now get a podcast-specifically-for-you, access to the resources on the blog, access to the breathing room (breathwork for educators!) for FREE (forever) by joining our first tier. Check it out!

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