It's a twin talk! Which means I sit down with Grounded Teaching co-founder (and my twin sister) Jess, who also happens to be a wildly talented high school English teacher going into her 17th year in the classroom. 

We start out by introducing our new Regenerative Ed network--it's totally free!

What is the Regenerative Ed Network?
We're trying to distance ourselves from facebook and wanted a place we can build a movement of teachers, ed leaders, etc. who really care about the future of holistic education.

Best part: you can meet and interact with people from all over! Today is the launch day, so if you join today, welcome! You're one of those people that shows up to the party first! But please engage on there.

We can't wait to connect with you there! 

Place Based Ed:
Jess spills the details of her year-long Edshed project. We cover

What we mean by "Edshed", and how our experience co-organizing a local fashion group helped us come up with the term. The details and challenges of the project, including the dispositions and skills students learned the concept of only issuing one grade at the end of the year-- what happened when she tried less grades and how she did it how she worked with other teachers in her building the student results at the end of the project (whoaaa!) what differentiates this edshed project from other place-based projects