Today we get into our about deep-dive workshop-in-a-podcast-series! We're tackling the first element in this deep dive series on what Air, Fire, Earth, and Water, and we're asking: What can air teach us about reimagining and remembering the ed system?

00:00 - Introduction - Why We're Doing This 
07:30 - Part 1- Respect, Appreciation, Embodiment
17:53 - Part 2- The Invisible Source of Life (Definitions and Foundations)
35:37 - Part 3- Making Space and Knowing Not Everything is For Us

Part 4 (Feeling Deflated or Winded), Part 5 (Taking Shape and Elasticity) and Part 6 (A Catalyst and Circulation) PLUS the 10-page workbook for this workshop-in-a-podcast series is available in three ways. Same content, three ways. It's like Skyline Chilli. (anyone?)  You choose!

Option One: One-time Purchase. Receive a link to the extended version (which includes the entire part you just listened to as well for easy repeat-listening), and the 10-page workbook. Click here.

Option Two: A Monthly Contribution to We Are Verbs: Receive access to a private section on We Are Verbs where we'll house this and all future deep-dive, extended podcast episodes, including the workbook. On deck: fire, earth, water, AI, body systems. Sliding scale starting at $5. Click here. Bonus-- once you're on We Are Verbs Study Club, there's so much there to do (and it's free)!
Note- if you already contribute to We Are Verbs, you should already have access! Simply click here and reach out if there is an issue. 

Option Three: A Monthly Contribution via Patreon: Thank you so much to our patreon members who support this podcast. We appreciate it so much. You can click here and become a Patron starting at $3 a month, but the extended version and workshops are available starting at $5 a month. Click here.


Other announcements-- join the book club (free) on We Are Verbs Study Club! This spring season we're reading Rick Rubins The Creative Act. Join on up!

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