Did you know that you can balance your hormones by properly combining the foods you put in your mouth? You sure can! By changing the way you eat, you can take control of your hormones.

What exactly do I mean? I'm referring to knowing what foods to eat together, better known as food combining.

The idea behind food combining is that specific foods pair well together, while others don’t. And when you eat foods that complement each other, it makes digestion easier as well as allowing the nutrients to absorb better too.

When our hormones are imbalanced, it often affects the gut and vice versa. So by eating foods that complement each other, we take the burden off of the gut by allowing it to do what it does best, and that’s to digest!

So, if you're ready to eat right and balance your hormones, this episode will walk you through which foods combine the best with one another to allow for ideal hormone production.

If you’re looking for additional advice, feel free to visit my blog here. You can also stay connected with me on my Facebook page @DrNirvanaHeals or on my Instagram @DrNirvana.

To purchase Gut Be Calm™ directly, go here.

And remember, when you regenerate, there’s a new you every day!

For questions on this episode or other inquiries please feel free to contact me at Instagram or Facebook page.

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