Let's get physical as we move into our series, "Eight laws of Health"
Join Dr. E. and MalindaP as they discuss the benefits of exercising that can lead to having a healthy mind and body.  
Christine, or Malinda P. as she is known, has created a non-profit ministry, REFOCUSONU, which is a 501c3 organization geared to educating and motivating others dealing with health and life issues to turn setbacks into victories.  Her faith has helped thousands realize that they can find happiness and success, regardless of a medical diagnosis.

Hosted By, Malinda P
and Cohost, Dr. E

Website - https://www.refocusonu.com/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/Refocusonu
Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/TheRefocusonupodcast
Instagram- Refocusonu12

For more information on how to contact Andrea Crum please visit her at www.genuinefamilyministries.com

Refocus-On-U is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, aimed to educate and advocate for veterans and underserved communities who have been diagnosed with a terminal or chronic illness. www.refocusonu.org