Hi everyone, this is Marcy Ann.   I am starting a new show!! 

I broadcast my Wednesday show as a News Show - because I give good news about energy and how to have more energy and how we can use our energy in a good way. 

Then Jon Stewart quit his show 'cause he said he just didn't want to have a show during the Presidential Election, and I am feeling like I just can't keep quiet now!!   So, since I am a Reflector, I am going to  "reflect" on the news and this show is for news junkies - you know who you are!!  You have all of the major news networks giving you alerts on your phone day and night!    

Some reflections will be "tongue in cheek" but all reflections will provide a space for dialogue.  I am a conversative who would be to the right of Barry Goldwater and a liberal who would be to the left of President Obama.     Should be interesting, huh?


Rev. Marcy Ann


