While it is summertime, I am re-running my series of 7 Steps to Manifesting what you want in your life.   Today, I am broadcasting Step 2 - with a power message from one of the Elohim who was in charge of creating earth.   Each person has a job to do in the overall operation of life here on Planet Earth.  As each one of us finds out what our part is and we begin to do it, everything here on earth will begin to function the way it was suppose to when the Seven Elohim originally planned things.     Remember, in the realms of love, everyone is as important as everyone else.  In the realms of love, no one is excluded, everyone is needed, everyone has a part.   Shakespear said that life was a stage and each one of us is an actor in the play.   What is your part?      Are you an actor?  or do you run the spotlight?  or do you take the tickets?  or do you sweep the floor? or do you make the costumes?  or do you design the sets?  or do you pull the curtain?     Every job is important.  We can't do without anyone!