AS MY MACBOOK is being quarantined at the Apple Store (USB-C Ports don’t work), I have no ability to publish the pods, as scheduled.
Fret not; we have something to announce any way. I am pleased and honored to embark on this endeavor with my brother in officiating, my soul mate in making this art, Kevin Sparrock to our own creative brainchild, The irREFutable Magazine!
Irrefutable means impossible to deny or disprove.
We know that Referee Rant and are an extension of us, as our art is an extension of a way we can’t necessarily express ourselves on the court. Moreover, we thought of so many talented officials that are talented off the field and off the court with their other respective endeavors. For one, I’m a professional writer, and Kevin a professional artist. We decided to combine our talents and express ourselves, and give others a platform express themselves about what they are into outside of officiating. This will be a an online magazine, where we will highlight some referees, officials, and artists that we sincerely respect, that surely deserve their props and due. We also started a podcast attached to it, the irREFfutable podcast, which deviates from what #therant would be. Instead of just highlighting those in the officiating game, we want to delve deep into the other things they dig. Our first pod is with Kevin and myself, where we talk about how we came together, how we got into the art that we make, and what we see the future is of the irREFutable Magazine. We hope you enjoy! Link in bio.
“Your first workout will be bad.
Your first podcast will be bad.
Your first video will be bad.
Your first speech will be bad.
Your first article will be bad.
But you can’t make your 100th without making your first.
So put your ego aside. And START.
This is our start to 100. Let’s. Get. It.