Welcome to Episode 46 of Reel Travels. I’m your host Lisa Iannucci and I am also your film and tv travel guide. If you got a late start with traveling, that’s okay. So did today’s guest, who talks about how many states and countries she and her husband have since traveled to and they are over 50 and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon! 

Listen to my interview this week with Samantha Taki of the Golden Age Traveling Blog. It is about her family and travels through the US, Canada, Caribbean, Europe and Mexico. She and her husband Gene joined the 55+ club last year. Samantha gives a lot of great tips in this interview and I’m sure she’ll inspire you to start putting your dream trip together. Enjoy the interview and I’ll see you on the other side. 

Thank you so much for listening to the Reel Travels podcast. Please follow me on Instagram @thevirgintraveler and if you have a minute, please share or leave me a review on this podcast? Click on those iTunes stars. It would really help me out. Thanks. See you next week!