Welcome to Episode 47 of Reel Travels. I’m your host Lisa Iannucci, the author of On Location: A Film & TV Lover’s Travel Guide. Today, I’m saying the words we’ve been waiting to hear for more than a year -- Let’s plan a trip! 

We will get into exactly how you should go about planning a trip in this week’s interview with Samantha Weck, a travel agent with Expedition Weck. Enjoy the interview!

My celebrity minute is with Pat Francis, comedian and host of the Rock Solid Podcast. You can find him on Twitter at @Pat_Francis

Thank you so much for listening to the Reel Travels podcast. Please follow me on Instagram @thevirgintraveler and if you have a minute, please share or leave me a review on this podcast? Click on those iTunes stars. It would really help me out. Thanks. See you next week!