Check it out a new Reel Film Nerds podcast!  I guess it’s better late than never right? With the world coming to an end and a new life for one of our hosts it is tough to be on a schedule every week.  Matt and Mike promise to continue to do their best to put out a weekly film review even though movie theaters are shut down. This week Matt and Mike review a classic film from 1985, Clue currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.  Bonus topics include poverty, slapstick comedies, and streaming fatigue, really Mike fatigue?

Clue is an iconic fun comedy that everyone needs to enjoy.  The script is nothing special and it is definitely not for our current PC culture.  Where this board game based movie really excels is it’s performances especially Tim Curry.  His over the top acting is a true delight to behold.  Christopher Lloyd, Madeline Kahn, and Michael McKean also bring a ton to this ensemble comedy but Curry is definitely the star.  The whodunit story is tried and true with a few twists and turns thrown in but it is nothing you haven’t seen before.  It is not an incredible story but it is a lot of fun especially the multiple endings. Mike and Matt both really enjoyed this nostalgic film from their childhoods both awarding it 4 out of 5 Reels.

The pandemic and movie theater apocalypse continues so your hosts have no choice but to continue visiting classic comedies from their youth to try to help everyone stay in good spirits.  Next pod Mike and Matt will review another comedy but his one is from 1994. The Stoned Age takes place over a single night in the 1970’s following two stoners cruising LA looking for chicks.  It is currently available to stream for free on Vudu so why not sit down and watch it with us this week? Thanks for downloading our pod and don't forget to tell your friends to listen too!  We will chat at you next week.

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike Talent to review you can email us at [email protected], listeners we are talking to you too.

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Now go out and catch a movie!

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