Good news everyone looks like we are back on our regular schedule again, hopefully it lasts.  The world is literally breaking down all around us but hey we did a podcast!  

Today Matt and Mike start a series of streaming and classic movie reviews since you know movie theaters are all closed right now.  Our first film up to bat is Mark Wahlberg’s latest Netflix Original Spenser Confidential.  Topics better than this movie include the future of movies and theaters, we need money especially since Matt probably won’t have a job too much longer, and Doom Eternal helps pass the time when not watching films.

Spenser Confidential is an ok movie.  The script is rough, very rough.  It is an action movie with some decent action but it is too little too late in the film.  The acting is fine, nothing special but nothing horrible either. The picture overall is very predictable.  There are twists and turns and whodunits but you can figure any and all of them out way ahead of time. Is this movie worth your time especially now since everyone has so much time being locked up in their homes?  Short answer, no. Go watch a movie that is really good that you have or have not seen. This one is a pass. Mysterious Mike gives Spenser Confidential 2 out of 5 Reels.  Matt is a bit easier on the movie but not by much he awards it 2.5 out of 5 Reels.          

Next pod which might be later this week but most likely next week we turn to a tried and true 1980’s classic that will hopefully lift all of our spirits Clue.  It is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video so why not sit down and watch it this week with us? Thanks for tuning in to our little pod and don't forget to tell your friends to listen too!  We will chat at you next week.

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike Talent to review you can email us at [email protected], listeners we are talking to you too.

Our little show can be found anywhere Podcasts reside such as iTunes, SpotifyStitcherGoogle PlayTune In, etc. While you are there like, subscribe, rate, and review us if you can too!

You can find us on all things social such as YouTube, FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.  Join our Facebook Fan Group so you can have a safe space to yell at Mike and Matt from the comfort of your keyboard while talking about films too.  Don't forget we do have an old fashioned website where you can watch trailers, read the host's bios, listen to the podcast, and get a ton more info on the movies we review. Thank you for liking, subscribing, rating, reviewing, and telling your friends about our podcast.

Now go out and catch a movie!

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