Today, I’m joined by the legendary chef Kyle Brown. Kyles worked in countless restaurants and specialises in some mean Southern dishes… 

Kyle’s spent most of his life as a chef and in that time has learnt a thing or two about what makes a delicious Southern dish. 

We talk about how Kyle got into cooking, the unique culinary styles of New Orlean, how other countries have influenced our food, and what it’s like growing your own veg…

“We would just go over to New Orleans for a night and see live jazz and blues music and eat seafood at some of the most iconic restaurants. I really miss that place.”

“Most people like to see a menu that rotates or changes pretty regularly. That’s one way to run your restaurant into the ground is to refuse to change your menu.”

Time Stamps:

00:41 – The type of restaurants Kyle has worked in and what inspired him to go Vegan.

02:53 – Kyle’s favorite Southern dish to cook and his love of fishing.

05:40 – What Florida’s response to COVID has been like.

09:19 – How Kyle got into cooking.

10:25 – The difficulties of taking high-quality photos of food.

12:14 – The unique culinary culture New Orleans has.

14:16 – Our experiences with black magic in New Orleans.

16:12 – The Southern States Kyle’s visited and how BBQ style changes from state to state.

18:08 – How visiting Mexico influenced Kyle’s cooking style.

20:20 – The Puerto Rican influence in South Florida’s cuisine.

21:30 – Kyle’s desire to start his own food truck.

24:07 – The differences between working in a big restaurant and a small restaurant.

28:42 – The lack of funding the school system in Florida gets and how much land is there.

32:29 – The traveling Kyle wants to do when things start to open up again.

36:16 – The love Kyle has for growing his own food.