In this episode of Redemption Unveiled, we're gonna have a wonderful conversation about staying connected to God. Now, as you guys know, this is a huge passion of mine. My deepest desire is to meet busy women where they're at, and equip them, encourage them, and enable them to stay connected to God.

I know that is easier said than done, but I also know that a huge part of this problem is our approach and our mindset with our faith. So today I really want to challenge each and every single one of us to take a different approach with our faith. Let’s dive in. 

Show Links:

Waitlist for Redemption Unveiled Community 

Show Takeaways: 

Listen in as I share some of my journey and the life-changing decision I made. Discover how to change your life approach to one of living a life where every day you wake up feeling connected to God. Learn the three things inside of you that will change your life forever. 

Let’s Connect: 

