Have you ever wondered why so many of us struggle with having difficult conversations? Whether we go into people-pleasing mode or we check out of the conversation altogether to avoid further confrontation, many of us find these types of conversations extremely uncomfortable.

According to today’s guest, Kwame Christian, conflict is always an opportunity, and it’s difficult conversations that lead us to live our best life.

But is there a way we can get more comfortable having these conversations? One of Kwame’s best tips is to inject time into the situation and think through things before responding. There’s nothing that says you need to respond to someone immediately, in fact it’s in those snap responses we usually get into trouble. 

That’s why Kwame encourages us all to step back, think through the process and use his Compassionate Curiosity framework, where you first acknowledge your emotions, then get curious with compassion and finally use joint problem-solving to come to a solution.

Kwame Christian is host of the world’s most popular negotiation podcast, Negotiate Anything, and is dedicated to empowering others through the art and science of negotiation and persuasion. And his book, Nobody Will Play With Me: Finding Confidence in Conflict, has helped countless individuals overcome the fear, anxiety and emotion often associated with difficult conversations. 

Join Kwame and me as we go further into conflict resolution and discuss how to best navigate and lead difficult conversations.

Find Kwame here: https://americannegotiationinstitute.com/about/

This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit iamapurposechaser.com and join NOW.


Conflict Resolution Takeaways

The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations. – Kwame Christian

You can decide not to decide anything today. – Patrice Washington

Positive emotions can lead us to bad decisions in the same way that anger and frustration can. – Kwame Christian

When a person can leave a conversation and think differently about the situation, that’s when change is most likely going to come. – Kwame Christian

Get curious with compassion. – Kwame Christian

Staying in constant conflict is an opportunity to strengthen our relationships. – Kwame Christian 

Do you see conflict differently? Have Kwame’s examples and Compassionate Curiosity framework changed how you will show up in difficult conversations? Let us know what your biggest takeaways were in the comments below.


Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

And with that, let’s dig into Kwame’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:


Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:

“Peace. Peace. Peace.” 

One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

Nobody Will Play with Me by Kwame Christian


Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl


Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Kwame Christian and the truth about wealth is that you have what you need already if you change your perspective.”



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To check out ALL of our past guests + episodes: http://www.patricewashington.com/Listen 

If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected]

Find me in Social Media:

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth 

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: @SeekWisdomPCW

YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW

Have you ever wondered why so many of us struggle with having difficult conversations? Whether we go into people-pleasing mode or we check out of the conversation altogether to avoid further confrontation, many of us find these types of conversations extremely uncomfortable.

According to today’s guest, Kwame Christian, conflict is always an opportunity, and it’s difficult conversations that lead us to live our best life.

But is there a way we can get more comfortable having these conversations? One of Kwame’s best tips is to inject time into the situation and think through things before responding. There’s nothing that says you need to respond to someone immediately, in fact it’s in those snap responses we usually get into trouble. 

That’s why Kwame encourages us all to step back, think through the process and use his Compassionate Curiosity framework, where you first acknowledge your emotions, then get curious with compassion and finally use joint problem-solving to come to a solution.

Kwame Christian is host of the world’s most popular negotiation podcast, Negotiate Anything, and is dedicated to empowering others through the art and science of negotiation and persuasion. And his book, Nobody Will Play With Me: Finding Confidence in Conflict, has helped countless individuals overcome the fear, anxiety and emotion often associated with difficult conversations. 

Join Kwame and me as we go further into conflict resolution and discuss how to best navigate and lead difficult conversations.

Find Kwame here: https://americannegotiationinstitute.com/about/

This episode is brought to you by our complimentary Purpose Chasers community. Want to share your aha moments with a group of like-minded purpose chasers from all over the world? Visit iamapurposechaser.com and join NOW.


Conflict Resolution Takeaways

The best things in life are on the other side of difficult conversations. – Kwame Christian
You can decide not to decide anything today. – Patrice Washington
Positive emotions can lead us to bad decisions in the same way that anger and frustration can. – Kwame Christian
When a person can leave a conversation and think differently about the situation, that’s when change is most likely going to come. – Kwame Christian
Get curious with compassion. – Kwame Christian
Staying in constant conflict is an opportunity to strengthen our relationships. – Kwame Christian 

Do you see conflict differently? Have Kwame’s examples and Compassionate Curiosity framework changed how you will show up in difficult conversations? Let us know what your biggest takeaways were in the comments below.


Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions

And with that, let’s dig into Kwame’s responses to our Redefining Wealth Rapid Wisdom Questions.

Define Success:


Define Wealth in 3 Words or Less:

“Peace. Peace. Peace.” 

One Book that Has Redefined How You See Wealth:

Nobody Will Play with Me by Kwame Christian


Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl


Fill-in the Blanks … “My name is ___ and the truth about wealth is ___”:

“My name is Kwame Christian and the truth about wealth is that you have what you need already if you change your perspective.”



To advertise on the podcast: http://www.patricewashington.com/podcastads

Become an Official Purpose Chaser: http://www.iamapurposechaser.com 

Join Patrice’s Pod Club: http://www.patricespodclub.com

To check out ALL of our past guests + episodes: http://www.patricewashington.com/Listen 

If you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast, email us at [email protected]

Find me in Social Media:

Our podcast hashtag is #RedefiningWealth 

Instagram: @SeekWisdomPCW

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: @SeekWisdomPCW

YouTube: @SeekWisdomPCW


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