Michele Chevalley Hedge was previously a teacher in New York so she truly understands the needs of time-poor educator who, family or not, want health but not hassle. She is often introduced by health magazine editors as "the modern day nutritionist - the one who likes a bit of wine and coffee." As an educator and regular speaker in schools, Michele's compassion and humour is recognised amongst students as a presentation they will never forget.

In this episode, we tap into what it means to be a high performer and how to use nutrition to set your mind and body up for success. Michelle also shares some great hacks to help you find balance amongst the busyness.

Getting to know Michele: In the past 10 years, Michele has worked with over 700 schools - mostly here in Australia but globally as well. She is affiliated with Positive Education Association and speaks for them regularly. Appeared on The Sunrise Show to discuss the World Health Organisation's recommendations on nutrition, cancer and sugar. A Cure Cancer Ambassador and Heart Research Institute Ambassador, nominated for the second year in a row as a Finalist in the Australian Mental Health Awards and author of Beating Sugar Addictions for Dummies, Healthy Hormones, and current book, Eat, Drink & Still Shrink...a joyful guide to live for the busy, healthy person are both international top sellers in wellbeing.

Michele is a sought after presenter because she is authentic and connects to people who desire knowledge and evidence-based research, but not in an overwhelming jargon filled way or with a fad diet.

You can find out more about Michele here: http://www.ahealthyview.com/

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