Heather Porter loves helping to simplify digital marketing for businesses so they can pinpoint what works for them and stop wasting time and resources on what doesn't.

In this episode, we have so much juicy goodness for you. We discover the secrets behind successful lead generation and digital marketing and share tips on how sales can leverage social media. And of course, my favourite topic is how sales and marketing can collaborate. Heather brings a realistic and highly practised approach to this topic, she's phenomenal!

Getting to know Heather: Heather Porter has 15 years of experience in digital marketing. She is a business owner, a consultant, and a highly sought-after keynote speaker. Heather founded Website Love, which is a website development and social media agency specializing in digital marketing. She is also 1 of 7 Meta (formerly Facebook) Certified Lead Trainers in Australia and New Zealand and a Meta Certified Media Buying Professional. Heather provides educational services, coaching, consulting, and so on. Not only that, but she is also a best-selling author.

You can find out more about Heather here: https://heatherporter.com/