Why do we need accountability and why is it so hard?

In this episode, Jenni looks at how accountability can cause chaos, its impact on trust, and the reasons behind it being critical to employee engagement. She also suggests ways to improve accountability, for you and others, and strengthen the link to organisational culture.


To keep the conversation going, connect with Jenni on LinkedIn and Twitter; ask questions and share your thinking!


Throughout the episode, Jenni shares a host of helpful resources:


Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me) by Carol Tavis and Elliot Aronson


Blog: How RASCI can help you gain clarity and calm


How to be heard with productive disagreement podcast by Calm Edged Rebels


The positive practice of productive disagreement blog by Calm Edged Rebels


Brené Brown podcast: Unlocking Us

I’m Sorry: How to Apologize and Why It Matters, Part 1 of 2


I’m Sorry: How to Apologize and Why It Matters, Part 2 of 2


Dare to Lead by Brené Brown


Frey admits lying; Oprah apologizes to viewers


Twitter Mentions