Message Notes 

God wants us to say YES to Love. Because this is the most life-changing word in the world. It doesn't matter how much I know. It doesn't matter how much I have. If you don't have love, it's nothing. "Love is Patient..." - Patience is the ability to dwell gladly in the present moment when we would prefer not to. Practice to grow in patience: Slowing: Hurry is a really close relative to ego. Noticing people: You can't love people if you don't really notice them. "Love is kind..." - Kindness is the action side of love. Two positive, practical ways you can say YES to Love: Grow in patience and kindness. Make Love your primary aim for your life. 

Matthew 22:37-40, John 13:31-35, I John 4:7-12, I Corinthians 13:1-13, 2 Samuel 9