Discussing the book "Future Foods, how modern science is transforming the way we eat." Nanotech is the science of dealing with materials at the size and range of nanometers. And you may wonder, okay, what is that size? Well, it's about a thousand times smaller than a human hair. And with that size also come very special benefits, but also drawbacks. The book was published in 2019 and written by David Julian. McClements is a British food scientist and distinguished professor at the University of Massachusetts.

Sources and further reading

Marina's notes on the book - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DNqolXdycObnUnnXQq3YIs-nWCvHaBdVDYceoE2hkpc/edit?usp=sharing

Future Food Book - ⁠https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-12995-8⁠

"The French authorities are particularly vigilant about the dangerousness of titanium dioxide and have played a leading role in terms of scientific expertise and regulatory management proposals" - https://www.toxpartner.com/articles/france-defends-the-classification-of-titanium-dioxide-as-a-suspected-carcinogen/

A searchable database for foods that contain nanotechnology



Get funding for your food science research: https://en.raps-stiftung.de/

More info and links to resources on https://redtogreen.solutions/  

Connect with the host, Marina https://www.linkedin.com/in/schmidt-marina/

Connect with the host, Frank https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankkuehne/

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Nanotechnology in Food, Food Safety regulation, food safety Europe, EFSA, European food safety, food regulation, food legislation, food security, food additives, food industry, future of food, food innovation, food technology