I sat down with Terry Weaver, author of Making Elephants Fly, to talk about the business of live events, specifically the behind-the-scenes of what goes on with his annual event for creative entrepreneurs, The Thing.

Then COVID-19 put us all in quarantine.

It's a weird time to be in the live event business, but there is also a lot of opportunity for those with the right offer and audience. In this episode, Terry talks about how he built an audience for The Thing and discusses what it takes to be successful in the live event business.

If you're curious about what it takes to organize a live event for your business and sell tickets for it, listen up!

In This Episode: The business of Walt Disney Building an audience Getting people on a plane to come see you VIP tickets and how to package them Booking hotels (and other "live event" venues) Links To Things We Talk About: Terry Weaver WDW Today The Thing Help Your Expert Friends Reach More People...

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