Are you sick of hearing about Donald Trump yet? Hillary Clinton?

Sorry. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

Sort of... I promise you it has everything to do with your business. In fact, this just might be what saves your business from failure.

I also talk about marketing to lesbians... Yes, this applies to you also, even if you're a straight white guy who wants to "Make America Great Again."

In This Episode: What Taylor Swift thinks about Donald Trump (and Hillary Clinton) Business advice from a "Christian" marketing consulting Why the United States (and people in general) are more pissed off and divisive than ever Who lies more? Democrats or Republicans? The reason so many people think Hillary Clinton is a "baby killer" Trump - Is he a rapist? As a business owner, when the the right time to share your political views? The social media echo chamber (echo chamber...echo chamber...echo chamber...) Playing it "safe" on social media Ken Bone's adult movie offer White guys eating white bread Links To Things I Talk About: Lesbians And Subaru Hyperpartisan Facebook Pages Are Publishing False And Misleading Information At An Alarming Rate Ken Bone's Uber Endorsement Rush Limbaugh (Before He Was Famous) Episode Sponsor:

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