Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the world of books, followed by an interview with Kevin Tumlinson, author and Director of Marketing for Draft2Digital. In the News segment, Bernhardt discusses:
1) Announcements from Draft2Digital that in addition to helping authors self-publish eBooks, they are expanding into providing print editions for clients. They are also adding a "shared words" feature for various fan fiction franchises.
2) Bernhardt visits an Amazon brick-and-mortar store in New York City.
3) Barnes & Noble is entertaining buyers.
Bernhardt interviews Kevin Tumlinson, who discusses his own writing, his podcast Wordslinger, and his work with Draft2Digital. Tumlinson has written many books, including 30 Day-Author: Develop a Daily Writing Habit and Write Your Book in 30 Days (or Less), which he says does not necessarily compromise the quality of the work, but simply requires diligence, professionalism, and experience. Tumlinson also discusses the services Draft2Digital provides authors, formatting and distribution and more, charging nothing up front, but only taking a 10% cut of profits that arise. For more information, visit: