Bestselling author William Bernhardt discusses the latest news from the worlds of books and publishing, then interviews husband-and-wife mystery writers Will and Julia Thomas.
Chapter 1: Welcome and Introduction
Chapter 2: The News. Amazon experiments with a new brick-and-mortar bookstore format. Why writers need a will to protect their intellectual property. A significant new deduction in the revised tax code that could significantly benefit writers.
Chapter 3: Bernhardt interviews Will Thomas, author of the Barker & Llewellyn Victorian-era mysteries, the tenth of which, Blood is Blood, will be released in November. He also interviews Will's wife, Julia Thomas, also a mystery writer, most recently of Penhale Wood. They discuss how their dual writing life works, what inspires them, and what makes a great mystery story.
Chapter 4: Please send your thoughts and comments on the podcast to: [email protected]. Bernhardt will host a five-day writing retreat in New Orleans on December 9-13, 2018. For more information, email Bernhardt or visit