In this episode of the ReCX Podcast, I speak with Ria Blagburn from Vanti. Vanti is a business that has moved to educate and understand, following the Black Lives Matters movement and death of George Floyd, seeking to get their employees talking and listening to their peers. 

Vanti didn't have a knee jerk moment as many other companies may have, back in May and June, and instead took time to really think about what they could do to make an impact. 

Vanti has set their stall out and want AND ARE, making a change and are a great example to other businesses who may want to also join to make a change, but don't know how. 


A bit about Ria Blagburn : 

Ria Blagburn spent the first decade of her career in marketing, during which she founded her own company and won the Birmingham Young Professional of the Year award for Marketing and Communications. Ria changed focus in 2019 to apply her skills in a new way at technology company Vanti, where she focuses on business improvement, organisational design, and developing individuals. She's also accountable for the company's evolving D&I strategy. A passionate champion of causes she believes in, Ria has chaired committees for Silicon Canal and BPS Birmingham Future, and launched Birmingham Future’s newest committee to promote diversity and inclusion within the city’s professional services sector.

Connect with Ria:

As always, if you'd like to be on the podcast, book in some time with me!