I speak to the highly successful tech company Voxpopme and in particular their CTO and co-founder Andy Barraclough.

We discuss how they’ve been using an app called 15FIVE https://www.15five.com/ to check in with their employee’s projects and mental well-being which has helped to give them a pulse on how people are feeling when you aren’t able to see people in the office.

We talk about how they’ve onboarded 2 new members of staff during lockdown by using Trello to delegate and empowering new starters and allow them to do their own “discovering”.

And my favourite topic, their Community focus, where they brought in new employees using local digital skills solutions provider The School of Code where they have given career changers a chance whom haven’t come through traditional routes, where previously they might not have been so open!

#recx #techbusinesses #birminghamtech #businesscollaboration #lockdown #employeeengagement

