I met with Claire Bickley, The Regional Manager for Code Your future who is in-charge of launching their first Birmingham cohort. Code Your Future is a digital skills solution provider aimed at giving under-represented parts of the city, region, and most importantly refugees and asylum seekers, an opportunity to be part of the technology and in particular, the coding world. Code Your Future is completely VOLUNTEER LED, and therefore without the support of their many volunteers, across teaching, technology, business support and personal development, they would not be able to run as well as they are. 

Claire talks very honestly about the reasons Code Your Future was set up, in order to achieve their personal business goals but also the wider message they intend to send to drive opportunities for people who are often overlooked. 

AS always, these series of podcasts have been recorded to send a message to people across the region, UK and globe, to promote the amazing work these digital skills solution providers are doing in order to bridge the digital skills gap. 

Give it a listen!  

#recx #codeyourfuture #digitalskillsgap #strongertogether