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Recounting Life Lessons

122 episodes - English - Latest episode: 12 days ago -

The show that has Sione and Alana Uyema recounting and collecting lessons that life's adventures have taught them and others.

Recounting Life Lessons is the place to be for people who want to feel more empowered in their lives, relationships, and in their roles as leaders. Whether you are leading thousands, leading those in your home, or simply want to be better at leading yourself, the lessons from life's experiences can make all the difference, when it comes to our abilities to make progress on purpose.

Life can be an amazing teacher if we're paying attention.

One way to pay attention is to recount the lessons from our lives, and the lives of those around us, and then take action to apply those lessons in our lives.

It's time to say goodbye to the hustle mentality and burnout and embrace growing and enjoying success in more empowering and sustainable ways.

Some of our favorite topics to discuss on Recounting Life Lessons include mindset, productivity, success, leadership, finances, faith, personal development, relationships, overcoming limiting beliefs, reaching one's potential, and something we like to call The Empowered Hero Lifestyle.

What started off as a place to dive a little deeper into the life lessons we were sharing on our YouTube videos has evolved into a weekly show for leadership, personal development, and conversations to empower us to be better human beings.

In each episode, we recount the lessons that our experiences as leaders, business owners, a married couple, relationships, love of growth, and everything in between has taught us.

Whether we are diving into a discussion about a life lesson together, with a guest, or in a solo episode, you can expect a lesson along with some ideas and examples of ways to apply it to your own life.

The opportunities for learning and growth are infinite, just like each of our potentials. But its potential is only as powerful as its application.

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Finances, Fitness, & Family with Matt DeHart: Foundations for Living a Fulfilled Life - Ep. 71

June 11, 2024 05:19 - 1 hour - 48.8 MB

It's one thing to have a "Why", it's another thing to make time for your "why". In this episode Sione and Alana sit down with Matt DeHart of Highline Financial Coaching. Matt had always said that his why for doing things was his family. But after receiving some unexpected bad news he realized that his real why wasn't just to provide for his family, it was to spend time with them as well. The news caused him to take a leap of faith and do something he never would have done before and it l...

3 Steps to Elevate Self-Love with Karishma Gautam - Ep. 70

May 30, 2024 18:40 - 25 minutes - 21 MB

An important step in achieving our goals, making an impact that matters, and enjoying what we want is learning to love ourselves.  This can be especially difficult if we've gone through trauma or were taught to believe things that limit our self-worth. Karishma Gautam helps women who have dealt with things like abuse or rape learn to love themselves and let go of the limiting beliefs that keep them disempowered in their lives, relationships, and abilities to get what they want out of life....

Overcoming Feelings Of Inferiority - Ep. 69

May 22, 2024 21:10 - 30 minutes - 29.4 MB

Feelings of subjective inferiority can prevent us from acknowledging the value we can add to various situations throughout my life. These feelings can convince us to play small, keep quiet, and miss out on opportunities to empower others. They kept us from living up to our potential and there will always be collateral damage for NOT using our gifts, voice, and light.   Where do feelings of inferiority come from? How do we overcome them? How can we tell if those we teach or lead are ...

Finding Fulfillment with Shelby Delgado - Ep. 68

May 07, 2024 15:11 - 45 minutes - 33 MB

Life doesn't always go as we plan. It can be hard to find fulfillment when we expect to be married, have children, own a home, or be at a specific stage in our vocations by a certain age, and despite our greatest efforts, it doesn't happen. In this episode, Sione and Alana sit down with Shelby Delgado, the author of Single and Fulfilled: a Practical Guide to Finding Joy and Contentment in the Present. Shelby, who has been single her entire life, shares tips and principles that have helped ...

Note to Self - Ep. 67

April 26, 2024 00:18 - 10 minutes - 10.3 MB

If you could send a message to your past and future selves what would they be? In this impromptu episode, Alana sits down to share a message with her past and future selves that pretty much anyone could benefit from. This is especially true for those going through some growing pains, stepping outside of their comfort zone, and letting go of what once was so they can embrace what could be. It's a gift to herself and her listeners... Want to connect with Sione & Alana? Find them on Ins...

Living a Bliss Soft Life with Kathy Mou

April 01, 2024 18:20 - 36 minutes - 25.3 MB

"Life doesn't have to be so hard." That's what Kathy Mou learned after struggling with infertility. In this episode, Sione and Alana sit down with life coach and the creator of The B.S. Life aka The Bliss Soft Life, Kathy Mou. Where she recounts the experiences in her life and her identity as an Asian twin, working in her family's restaurant, and struggling with infertility led her to discover principles to living a life that's more blissful and not so hard. Highlights from their disccus...

Living a Bliss Soft Life with Kathy Mou - Ep. 66

April 01, 2024 18:20 - 36 minutes - 25.3 MB

"Life doesn't have to be so hard." That's what Kathy Mou learned after struggling with infertility. In this episode, Sione and Alana sit down with life coach and the creator of The B.S. Life aka The Bliss Soft Life, Kathy Mou. Where she recounts the experiences in her life and her identity as an Asian twin, working in her family's restaurant, and struggling with infertility led her to discover principles to living a life that's more blissful and not so hard. Highlights from their disccus...

The 7 Ps of Listening - Ep. 65

March 15, 2024 19:24 - 31 minutes - 31.4 MB

Communication is one of the most essential soft skills to develop if we want to be effective in our leadership, teaching, coaching, parenting, selling, and relationships. We speak to influence and to be understood, but if we aren't good at listening before we speak the things we say may seem to go unheard or misunderstood. In this episode, Alana shares the 7 Ps of listening and ways that you can use them in your conversations and every day life. These 7 practices will make you a better l...

Lessons on getting started with Sharon Takamori (daughter of The Sweet Lady of Waiahole) - Ep. 64

March 02, 2024 20:41 - 32 minutes - 23.4 MB

When is the best time to start taking action on our goals? When is it too late?  Alana sat down with Sharon Takamori, who at 76 years old, decided to start a YouTube channel, even though she had little to no knowledge about how to get it done. They talk about how she dealt with setbacks and negativity and the driving force behind her desire to jump into a new entrepreneur journey at such a late stage in her life. Sharon is also the daughter of the late Fujiko Matayashi, the lady who sat ...

Decrease Desicion Fatigue: The 3 E's of Decision Making - Ep. 63

February 16, 2024 22:24 - 10 minutes - 10.2 MB

Making decisions use up energy and bandwidth. And it's the most urgent decisions that end up using up most of our energy. When our energy is low and the time for making those desicions arrives, it is likely that we will end up making a decision we later regret. Not only that, the bandwidth required to make those decisions also rob us of the energy and time to do more of what we actually love and actually want or feel called to do. In short, decision fatigue can prevent us from doing our be...

Finding Your Edge and Taking Advantage of Knowing Where You Are - Ep. 62

February 07, 2024 01:26 - 16 minutes - 12.1 MB

If we want to avoid wandering aimlessly in our lives and in pursuit of our goals we need 3 things: We need a map or a plan to follow We need to know where we currently are We need to know what our desired destination is or where we want to go One of the best ways to do identify those first two is by tracking our stats, habits, numbers, and data. It's by keeping good records. As we do this we'll also be able to discover our strengths, our weaknesses, and use that knowledge as a way to t...

Don't let this fear hold you back - Ep. 61

January 26, 2024 22:31 - 14 minutes - 9.44 MB

If you don't know where you are, in relation to where you want to be, it's difficult to make progress on purpose. In this episode, Sione and Alana discuss the various fears and reasons we often avoid getting clear about where we are. They also discuss what we can do to manage those fears and courageously push past them. Fears like: fear of failure false comfort in the ambiguity fear of change fear of introspection fear and overwhelm by what's next fear of what others may think...

Increasing Your Capacity For More of What You Love and Feel Called to Do - Ep. 60

January 09, 2024 22:43 - 22 minutes - 19.5 MB

As leaders, there is always more to do than we have the capacity for at any given moment. We face the endless pull of projects, responsibilities, and obligations for our attention. As a result, it's easy to feel like there is never enough time to do more of the things we love and feel called to do. In this episode, Alana shares 3 things that can help you and those you lead, increase your capacity to do and enjoy those things.  When it comes to increasing our capacity to do more, it's not...

The Lord Knows Best - Ep. 59

January 05, 2024 06:31 - 36 minutes - 30.4 MB

A few years ago Sione and Alana sat down with Jess and she shared with them a wonderful story about an experience she had while giving donkeys some water during a hot summer day and what it taught her. The lesson was that the Lord knows what we need and what's best for our growth and ability to reach our potential. Sometimes we get exactly what we need, but we get frustrated and complain because it's not what we expected.  In this episode, Sione and Alana revisit this story and share a f...

Reflect on this past year with these questions - Ep. 58

December 26, 2023 11:55 - 9 minutes - 8.52 MB

Powerful questions can direct our focus and attention. They can increase our awareness and help us to recognize the value of our experiences. They can also motivate us and increase our abilities to take empowered actions to improve ourselves, our lives, and our circumstances. In this episode, Alana shares several questions to help you reflect on the value of this past year as she recounts some of her greatest regrets and discoveries from answering these questions herself. The questions f...

Success Starts Here - Ep. 57

December 21, 2023 03:54 - 48 minutes - 34.5 MB

When it comes to achieving success and enjoying a life of fulfillment, there is an important step that is often underestimated.  In this episode, Sione and Alana discuss the importance of discovering, acknowledging, and knowing what you want.  They share some tips and ideas for how to increase your awareness to what you want and what is possible for you to go and get those things so that you can enjoy a life of success and your dreams. Want to connect with Sione & Alana? Find them on...

Why You Should Only Set Impossible Goals - Ep. 56

December 12, 2023 11:00 - 19 minutes - 15.7 MB

If goal setting is overwhelming and you often find yourself disappointed in yourself if you don't hit a goal perfectly, it very well may be because the goals you are setting are too easy. What?! Yes, and that's even if you set goals that are big enough to scare you. That's right, if the goal is within reach, you're doing it wrong and it's the reason you end up feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and like you aren't good enough when things don't go according to plan. This is just one of the ...

Times & Seasons for Everything, Including Rest & Recovery - Ep. 55

December 05, 2023 18:39 - 16 minutes - 11.7 MB

We can learn a lot from trees. One of the most important lessons is that we are not meant to be in Spring and production mode year-round.  Sometimes we feel guilty about needing to slow down, to take time for rest and recovery, and not always exerting the same amount of effort in building our businesses or leading our teams. But just like trees, there are times when we need to focus on surviving the winters so we can be ready to produce again come spring. In this episode, Sione and Ala...

Do Less Of What You Tolerate - Ep.54

November 28, 2023 22:25 - 30 minutes - 26.2 MB

Life and work should be fun. We all have responsibilities and things that we need to get done. Especially as leaders. The work we do matters, but that doesn't mean we have to be miserable in order to leave an impact on the world and those we lead. We've found that by doing the following three things we've been able to increase the level of fulfillment and joy in our lives.  Do more of what you love Do less of what you tolerate Do none of what you hate In this episode, we discuss ...

3 Ways to Enhance your Life - Ep.54

November 28, 2023 22:25 - 30 minutes - 26.2 MB

Life and work should be fun. We all have responsibilities and things that we need to get done. Especially as leaders. The work we do matters, but that doesn't mean we have to be miserable in order to leave an impact on the world and those we lead. We've found that by doing the following three things we've been able to increase the level of fulfillment and joy in our lives.  Do more of what you love Do less of what you tolerate Do none of what you hate In this episode, we discuss ...

Gratitudes Infinite Worth - Ep. 53

November 21, 2023 16:53 - 38 minutes - 29.7 MB

How do you snap out of a grumpy attitude when things are stressful or overwhelming? That's the question that inspired this episode. Sione and Alana discuss 3 practices that will increase your gratitude for your past, present, and future circumstances and the value those circumstances have for your life. Practicing the following will not only increase your gratitude, but they also have the potential to increase your confidence and self-image as well: Look at the past through a lens of ...

Gratitude's Infinite Worth - Ep. 53

November 21, 2023 16:53 - 38 minutes - 29.7 MB

How do you snap out of a grumpy attitude when things are stressful or overwhelming? That's the question that inspired this episode. Sione and Alana discuss 3 practices that will increase your gratitude for your past, present, and future circumstances and the value those circumstances have for your life. Practicing the following will not only increase your gratitude, but they also have the potential to increase your confidence and self-image as well: Look at the past through a lens of ...

Retire these Success Rules - Ep. 52

September 12, 2023 21:05 - 25 minutes - 58.6 MB

Not all success rules are created equal. In fact some of the rules for success that you've adopted are most likely holding you back or overcomplicating your process. In this episode, Alana shares how you can tell if a success rule you've adopted needs to go, so that you can start enjoying the process more. Our success rules impact the way we measure our worth in the marketplace and self-image. The level of success we’ll allow ourselves to maintain is directly related to the level of su...

Focus or Balance: which is worth it - Ep. 51

July 31, 2023 18:58 - 8 minutes - 18.6 MB

Sometimes it's worth it to focus and go faster and sometimes is more worth it to split your time and efforts between two things that are of equal importance. In this episode, Alana discusses the saying that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well, and how to increase the awareness of what is of greater worth and worth doing for you. Want to connect with Sione & Alana? Find them on Instagram or Facebook @sioneandalana Subscribe to their email list and become a Sione & Alana Insider...

Focus or Balance: which is it worth it - Ep. 51

July 31, 2023 18:58 - 8 minutes - 18.6 MB

Sometimes it's worth it to focus and go faster and sometimes is more worth it to split your time and efforts between two things that are of equal importance. In this episode, Alana discusses the saying that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing well, and how to increase the awareness of what is of greater worth and worth doing for you. Want to connect with Sione & Alana? Find them on Instagram or Facebook @sioneandalana Subscribe to their email list and become a Sione & Alana Insider...

Lessons escape rooms taught us about life - Ep. 50

July 17, 2023 22:22 - 36 minutes - 84.1 MB

While Sione and I were in Utah we did 5 escape rooms over the course of 8 days.  Doing that many escape rooms over such a short period of time led us to recognize a few patterns that also apply to being successful as we go after our goals. In this episode, we'll share 7 lessons that escape rooms taught us that also apply to how to effectively pursue our goals. Want to connect with Sione & Alana? Find them on Instagram or Facebook @sioneandalana Subscribe to their email list and bec...

The answer you're looking for - Ep. 49

June 30, 2023 17:39 - 18 minutes - 42.9 MB

When we're ready to level up or tackle our next problem the most common advice we're given is to do our research, turn to experts, and put in the work. But there is one thing that we so often overlook, and it's often a treasure trove of solutions and definitely a way to feel more confident and empowered as we move forward. In this episode, Alana talks about that one resource that is often forgotten and undervalued, even though it also often holds the answers we're looking for. Want to co...

Discover Untapped Potential: The thing about life lessons... Ep. 48

June 23, 2023 22:49 - 21 minutes - 48.1 MB

Don't underestimate the impact of your knowledge. Even the most common lessons can turn out to be golden nuggest for someone else and perhaps even yourself. There's something really interesting about these lessons that we've been noticing.  Lessons have layers. There is a significant wealth of knowledge that we may not realize we posess.  In this episode Sione and Alana touch on the importance of looking back to find golden nuggets that will enhance your life as you go forward. Wan...

Maintain Lasting Success: Is your Pace and Perspective Killing your Momentum? - Ep. 47

June 10, 2023 15:36 - 23 minutes - 54.7 MB

It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle mentality, the grind, and all or nothing mindset when we see it everywhere around us. But there's a cost that comes with this way of thinking. In this episode, Alana shares how she learned the importance of choosing the right goals, choosing the right pace to go after them, and keeping the big picture of success in mind. The compound effect works both ways. When we consistently do small and simple things that help us progress and grow toward o...

Impact, Influence, & the Healing Power of Music with Katie Higley - Ep. 46

May 27, 2023 17:35 - 16 minutes - 13.1 MB

Watching Iam Tongi's journey to winning American Idol this year reminded us of the power and influence that authenticity and music can have in our lives.  In this episode, Alana shares some of her experiences of what it was like to watch other people react to Iam Tongi's American Idol audition video and then see him perform Monsters live with James Blunt on the show's finale. See the videos she refers to below: Video of Iam Tongi's American Idol audition: Ho...

Making an Impact: The Ripple Effect of Small Acts - Ep. 45

May 14, 2023 04:18 - 12 minutes - 9 MB

Sometimes when we think about what it will take to make an impact or to have greater influence, we think it will take a lot of work and effort. But that isn't always the case. Sometimes all it takes is something small and simple to increase our impact and influence on the lives of those around us. In this episode, Alana is sharing a few experiences and examples that prove, doing just a little bit more than what is expected can have a huge impact on our ability to be a person of influence...

Ways to strengthen and take care (Ho'oikaika) with Gavon Wong - Ep. 44

May 07, 2023 00:08 - 51 minutes - 35.2 MB

In this episode, we sit down with Gavon Wong, host of the Ho'oikaika Youtube Channel and podcast. Ho'oikaika means to strengthen in Hawaiian. His show is all about empowering Polynesian men to learn how to cope with the stresses of life in healthy ways. It is also a great resource for women to know how to better support Polynesian men in their life. In our conversation with Gavon, we discuss several experiences throughout his life that have helped him in coping with ADHD, suicidal though...

5 Books Everyone Should Read on Money - Ep. 43

April 30, 2023 05:01 - 22 minutes - 16.7 MB

To wrap up our financial literacy series, we are sharing our top 5 book recommendations to increase your financial literacy.  When you want to improve your finances, there are two areas to increase your awareness on:  Financial IQ: how to make money, how money works, how to manage money, etc. Financial EQ: how your beliefs and relationship with money impact your ability to reach your financial goals These books are the books Sione always shared with our clients or people when they foun...

Mental and Emotional Money Blockers: Breaking Free From Money Blocks - Ep. 42

April 22, 2023 04:35 - 33 minutes - 24.8 MB

After years of teaching financial education, we've been able to help several individuals and families reach their financial goals. Despite our financial knowledge around helping others learn how to better make and manage money, we found ourselves struggling to raise our net worth or to maintain our own financial successes. Eventually, we realized it all had to do with our mindsets and attitudes around being wealthy, money, and self-worth. Some of our beliefs and feelings were actually bloc...

Taking Advantage of Volatility: Unleashing Opportunity Amidst Chaotic Change - Ep. 41

April 15, 2023 22:31 - 8 minutes - 8.38 MB

Volatility causes uncertainty in the marketplace. But, those who know how to take advantage of it, are able to thrive during these seasons of life. In this episode, Sione shares a few of the lessons that he's learned about volatility and what we can do to take advantage of it when it comes to our personal finances. There are three key areas to be aware of: when will volatility happen the decision you must make if you want to survive and thrive what to do now to prepare and equip you...

Invest in yourself with Tara Shim - Ep. 40

April 07, 2023 23:51 - 43 minutes - 23.3 MB

What can we do to give ourselves a financial advantage? In this episode, Sione and Alana sit down with Tara Shim as she shares her financial journey and how a couple of board games, a monthly allowance, and investing in herself and her financial education changed her life.  Raised in Kailua-Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii by a single mother from the time she was about 6 or 7 years old with very little money, her mom bought her a board game for a dollar. Playing that game every day and l...

Allowing Room for Error: Transforming Setbacks into Stepping Stones - Ep. 39

March 31, 2023 01:48 - 19 minutes - 13.2 MB

A few of the things that we can count on happening in life and as leaders are that things will go wrong, mistakes will be made, we can't plan for everything, and plans will need to change from time to time. So how can we avoid getting frustrated and better prepare ourselves to respond to our circumstances when things like this happen?  Is it possible to create a buffer to allow room for error and prevent the negative spiral that could happen when things don't go according to plan? In t...

Goal Oriented vs Growth Oriented: Unlocking Limitless Potential - Ep. 38

March 25, 2023 18:22 - 16 minutes - 13.7 MB

Being too invested in reaching our goals can lead us to overvalue the result and undervalue the process. Is being goal-oriented overrated? What does manipulation have to do with being overly goal oriented? How can we go after our goals without burning out or ruining our relationships? What does it mean to be growth-oriented? In this episode, Alana shares how her relationship with goals and goal setting has evolved and some of the things that she does to set and have goals wit...

Investor vs Spender Mindsets: Getting The Most Out of Your Time, Money, & Relationships - Ep. 37

March 09, 2023 03:31 - 33 minutes - 23.2 MB

Do you have an investor or a spender mindset? When it comes to having an investor or spender mindset it doesn't only impact our finances. Our mindset will impact the way we choose to invest or spend our time, in our relationships, and in how we lead. Seeing the stark contrast that these two mindsets have led to in the various organizations they've worked with inspired Sione & Alana to share what they've learned about how to recognize what kind of mindset you are operating from and how to...

Time is NOT Money: Unlocking Life's True Wealth - Ep. 36

February 23, 2023 19:41 - 18 minutes - 12.1 MB

In this episode of Recounting Life Lessons, Alana shares a few lessons she's learned about how to better measure the value of time and money. There is a lie, that time is money, that most of us have been brainwashed into believing. This lie skews the way we measure our worth and the value that we are able to bring to the marketplace and the world around us. In most cases, it is the reason it is so easy to sell ourselves short. Instead of equating time to money, it is more helpful to equa...

Accelerating Progress: Never stop doing this one thing - Ep. 35

February 15, 2023 17:57 - 4 minutes - 3.47 MB

In this short episode, Sione shares two experiences that helped him to realize the importance of being teachable. A few lessons and tips from this episode: As we learn new things we are often able to find out how to get the same results faster. Never assume that you've arrived and that there is nothing left to learn. Allow others to teach you. When we are able to accomplish our goals or get results faster, our confidence increases, and that increase in confidence allows us to set even...

Keys to Good Relationships: What 18 years of marriage has taught us -Ep. 34

February 04, 2023 18:10 - 39 minutes - 29.9 MB

Sione and Alana celebrate their 18 year wedding anniversary by sitting down and sharing some of the lessons they've learned about relationships. Some of the things they discuss: having an attitude of appreciation the habit & "game" of serving one another expressing gratitude and appreciation for one another the need to feel seen, hear, and understood your responsibility in a relationship the only helpful assumption to have in relationships tips for communication the value of...

Success is a Feeling: Helps for defining what success is to you - Ep. 33

January 25, 2023 06:59 - 31 minutes - 71.3 MB

What if, at the end of each day, you felt like it was a success? Does goal setting sometimes leave you feeling anxious? Are you tired of feeling disappointed in yourself or overwhelmed and like you’re behind even when you are putting in your best efforts to reach your goals? In this episode, Alana shares the value she's found by thinking of success as a feeling and using that feeling as a guide when making decisions and creating plans for going after her goals. It's possible to enjoy m...

Making Time for Priorities

January 08, 2023 00:19 - 9 minutes - 6.23 MB

Sione sat down to reflect on one of the lessons that stood out to him the most during 2023. The lesson was all about time and making time for the things & people that matter most. A few tips he shares in this episode include: Scheduling time in for the people and priorities in your life If you find yourself too busy, cut out the things that are not necessities so that you have availability for the things that are priorities Create systems to get things done more effectively and effi...

Making Time For Priorities: Putting First Things First - Ep. 32

January 08, 2023 00:19 - 9 minutes - 6.23 MB

Sione sat down to reflect on one of the lessons that stood out to him the most during 2023. The lesson was all about time and making time for the things & people that matter most. A few tips he shares in this episode include: Scheduling time in for the people and priorities in your life If you find yourself too busy, cut out the things that are not necessities so that you have availability for the things that are priorities Create systems to get things done more effectively and effi...

Setting New Intentions for 2023: Exciting News for the Podcast - Ep. 31

January 04, 2023 22:22 - 7 minutes - 5.39 MB

We're relaunching the Recounting Life Lessons podcast!  Here's the official announcement, as well as a quick lesson on setting intentions over having expectations. What started out as an opportunity to dive deeper into lessons that we were sharing as we went out on mini adventures exploring our new backyard in the Pacific Northwest has evolved into something so much more. Our lessons were random and all over the place, but as we've grown in our leadership, in our businesses, and as indiv...

Setting New Intentions for 2023

January 04, 2023 22:22 - 7 minutes - 5.39 MB

We're relaunching the Recounting Life Lessons podcast!  Here's the official announcement, as well as a quick lesson on setting intentions over having expectations. What started out as an opportunity to dive deeper into lessons that we were sharing as we went out on mini adventures exploring our new backyard in the Pacific Northwest has evolved into something so much more. Our lessons were random and all over the place, but as we've grown in our leadership, in our businesses, and as indiv...

Gratitude & Goal Setting

November 22, 2022 23:23 - 14 minutes - 13.7 MB

When it comes to goal setting, sometimes it's difficult to know what kind of goals to set for ourselves. Do we just copy what those around us are doing? Do we just set a goal that makes sense with what we are already doing? In this episode of Recounting Life Lessons, Alana shares 2 simple but powerful exercises that can help you choose goals that will add the most value and fulfillment to your life. You'll also be able to learn when and how to do these exercises to prepare yourself for the...

Gratitude and Goal Setting: Tips for Setting Annual Goals - Ep. 30

November 22, 2022 23:23 - 14 minutes - 13.7 MB

When it comes to goal setting, sometimes it's difficult to know what kind of goals to set for ourselves. Do we just copy what those around us are doing? Do we just set a goal that makes sense with what we are already doing? In this episode of Recounting Life Lessons, Alana shares 2 simple but powerful exercises that can help you choose goals that will add the most value and fulfillment to your life. You'll also be able to learn when and how to do these exercises to prepare yourself for the...

Be The Hero: Unlimit Yourself - Ep. 29

June 11, 2022 02:11 - 17 minutes - 15.7 MB

Stop playing the sidekick or victim in your life and be the hero. In this solo episode, Alana shares about the moment she realized that she was playing the role of the sidekick in all the areas of her life that she was feeling frustrated and stuck in. Since then, she has intentionally chosen to step up as the hero and can identify what it looks like when she or anyone is choosing to play the victim or sidekick instead. In this episode, she shares what each of these roles looks like so ...

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