Today’s guest is Nat Berman.

He's a performance coach who helps people maximize their potential. This requires action, commitment, and work.

Nat always knew he never wanted a boss, and He couldn't stand commuting anywhere. Authority has never clicked well with him; thus always knew that he wanted to be his own boss working from home. 

From this episode, you'll discover how Nat Berman took a bet on himself and quit his full-time job to do blogging. He says he took a calculated risk that he never regrets to date. As a life coach, especially during this tough time of Corona, he has really mastered how to shine in his industry regardless of what's going on in the world.

Key Take aways:

Helping people achieve the life they want, how that looks, and what they are looking to do to make money online.Goal setting. Setting long-term and short-term goalsHow to stay focused through the noise. With all the social media feeds, emails, calls, and textsWorking a few hours a day and still achieving your goalsFinding out what your true passion by eliminating what doesn't serve you.Letting things that happened to you not to determine your fate.

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