Which version of your life do you let others see? In the age of social media, we flash only the best parts of ourselves up on a screen, hoping our peers won’t look a layer deeper and see the mess. It’s time to be brave, be vulnerable, and open up to each other so we can heal together. 

Lyndol Keith is a man of many talents - speaker, storyteller, event host - but his real passion lies with his efforts to remove the stigma around mental health struggles and facilitate both healthy conversations on the subject and better treatment. He works toward these goals alongside the campaign to change direction and 320 Festival to revolutionize the way we take care of ourselves and heal one another.

On this episode of the Recognize Your Truth podcast, Lisa and Lyndol lend some clarity to the epidemic of silence surrounding battles with mental illness, natural ways to care for our brains without harmful drugs, and how art can transform our society’s consciousness for the better. Check it out to be part of the mental health movement.

You’ll Learn  

How the 320 Festival is changing - and saving - lives, one event at a timeWhy we’re afraid to open up about mental health issues, and ways to fight that fearHow social media has skyrocketed anxiety in our collective culture (and how to train your brain to recognize the programming) And much more!

Favorite Quote

“We live in such a ‘me-centric’ society, when actually a ‘we-centric’ society is the way things could work well. Everyone wants to pretend like nothing’s wrong, but everyone’s going through something.” - Lyndol Keith


Connect with Lyndol:

Lyndol’s website 

320 Festival 

The campaign to change direction

LinkedIn profile 


How to get involved

Lisa is a visionary, who utilize all her multi-passionate strengths in Business and Mindset coaching to help get business and individuals from where they are to where they want to be. Check her website Recognize Your Truth to learn more, download here a FREE Guidebook on How to Launch a Podcast, and you can purchase her Inspirational Sticky notes here. Connect with her via LinkedIn

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