Are you addicted to the chase? Are you convinced that the ‘next thing’ will complete you - that you will arrive at your best self when you achieve this next milestone, or relationship, or sexual accomplishment? Do you often seek your validation from others? Do you feel complete only when you are in a romantic relationship? If so, you aren’t alone!

Sex and love addictions are very common and present in all walks of life. We have been encouraged in our society to use our sexuality as a currency, that one of life’s greatest accomplishments is to find a mate and fall in love, and now we even have an epidemic of (especially young people) getting their validation from the internet! If this feels overwhelming, don’t worry - it’s worth repeating - you are not alone.

This week join in as Kris talks to the author of ‘The Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex & Love Addict’, Brianne Davis. Learn how to seek help and when to seek it as Brianne opens up about her experiences with these addictions. And stick around to get a sneak peak of tools and tips that are discussed in her book that can help you navigate your way through.

Find Brianne on Instagram @thebriannedavis, or links to Secret Life Podcast and her book at

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