This week on Reclaim Your Radiance, we take a break. Come, sit down, enjoy, you deserve it! 

Kris leads you through a guided chakra mantra meditation and shares some of her meditation prep tips that keep your posture tall and strong while simultaneously relaxing your body and putting your mind at ease. 

Give yourself 20 minutes of your day to spend by yourself, for yourself, and on yourself. 

For those interested in going deeper, feel free to reach out to learn more about the techniques used in this episode. To apply this chakra mantra to your own practice, here are the sounds broken down by chakra:

Hari Om

Nam Lam (Root)

Mam Vam (Sacral)

Sim Ram (Solar Plexus)

Vam Yam (Heart)

Yam Ham (Throat)

Shiva Om (Third Eye)

(Crown is silent)


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