Survivor Antares details his experience of his life after child sexual abuse at the hands of his father. 

During this discussion Antares details some of the psychological harms and barriers heh as encountered as a response to the abuse he endured. From amnesia to severe depression, we discuss the ongoing effects that childhood trauma can do to a person, the stigmas associated with male survivors, and how Antares is working as hard as possible to be the person he needed when he was younger.

A truely inspiring conversation with an incredible human being - Thank you Antares.

Connect with Antares / Sense of Pain

Sense of Pain Website

Sense of Pain Instagram

Connect with Reclaim Me / Madeleine

Reclaim Me Linktree

National American Resources

National Sexual Violence Resource Center -

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence.


US based Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network for survivors

National Hotlines - 855-484-2846 - Live chat option available on the website

National hotlines can help connect victims, survivors, and their support networks connect with local resources.

For advice and support in Australia please reach out to:


For crisis support please reach out to Lifeline 13 11 14


For sexual assault and domestic abuse support services please reach out to 1800 RESPECT


National Debt Helpline: 1800 007 007


WIRE: 1300 134 130


Women’s Legal Services Australia:

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