Survivor of sexual assault Shelly describes her experiences of assault as a young adult. We discuss the freeze response as a survival response to sexual assault, and coping with the feelings of 'freezing' in the aftermath. Through our conversation we touch on consent and sociocultural norms surrounding 'gaining consent'. This was an incredibly insightful and powerful conversation with an incredible survivor.

Connect with Shelly

Shelly Ray Website

Surviving and Thriving Support Group

Shamelessly Shelly TikTok

Connect with Reclaim Me / Madeleine

Reclaim Me Linktree

National American Resources

National Sexual Violence Resource Center -

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence.


US based Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network for survivors

National Hotlines - 855-484-2846 - Live chat option available on the website

National hotlines can help connect victims, survivors, and their support networks connect with local resources.

For advice and support in Australia please reach out to:


For crisis support please reach out to Lifeline 13 11 14


For sexual assault and domestic abuse support services please reach out to 1800 RESPECT


National Debt Helpline: 1800 007 007


WIRE: 1300 134 130


Women’s Legal Services Australia:

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