Thank you to our sponsor, Toddle, for sponsoring the premiere of Season 2 of Recess Duty! TIES is back for its third and largest edition yet. Designed to be a festival of learning like no other, TIES 2022 will feature 100+ phenomenal thinkers and doers across 10+ unique session formats.

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Welcome to Season 2 of Recess Duty! This week during Recess Duty we talk with the Kathryn Finch and Theresa Hoover authors of "Pass the Baton", a stellar book on how music teachers might empower students within their own classroom in such content and skill heavy discipline. They come with decades of experience and knowledge to share with us a little bit about their journey so far! 

Kathryn Finch has over twenty years of experience in the elementary general music classroom and currently teaches in a northern suburb of Chicago, Illinois. She speaks passionately about the shift in music education from teacher-led activities to student-led activities and focuses on practical ways music educators can transform their classrooms to empower their students to own their learning. She joined the writing team at Activate! Magazine as a contributing author of general music lesson plans and has co-authored two teaching resources, Full STEAM Ahead: Lessons to shift instruction, empower students, and transform your music classroom and Everyone Loves a Story: Bringing books to life through music.

Theresa Hoover is a music educator, speaker, and writer. She is an advocate for student voice in the music room and works to empower students throughout their musical experiences and help teachers transform their classrooms to become student-centered learning environments. Theresa is a Google for Education Certified Trainer, Google Certified Innovator, and Noteflight Learn Ambassador, frequently working with teachers to help integrate technology into their music classes. She is a recognized presenter and clinician for local, regional, and national conferences.

Be sure to connect with Kathryn Finch & Theresa Hoover here:

Twitter: - Kathryn -  Theresea

Website: - Pass the Baton - Kathryn - Thersea 


Go get your copy of "Pass the Baton" here

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Continue learning everyone!

Levi Allison -


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