Next Episode: #34 Your Word

Ever wondering what it would be like to work with a coach or mentor on reaching your creative dreams and goals? 

Curious about what coaching is, and how they support and guide your mental blocks along the way? 

Working with coaches and mentors has been the most valuable investment I’ve made in myself and business -- it’s been a constant in my growth both personal and professional.

This 2 part series will allow you to see a slice of how coaching can lead to deeper understanding of yourself and how the world sees you.

In Part I - I will be coached and it's one of the most raw pieces of myself I've ever decided to share online. You'll get a peek into a private coaching session with my coach Joanna Dane Rothman (who has been a past guest on the show!)

This vulnerable session is one of the most accurate accounts of coaching I could think to gift you and will show you that underneath the facades of the internet we are all still human. We all face inner demons and struggles in our life with worth, fear, and self-doubt.

During part two of this series (releasing in late December 2016) I'll turn the table and be the coach. You'll see me in action as I sit down for a session with one of my 2016 clients supporting her 2017 goals and dreams.

Did you have any ah has or moments of clarity listening to this episode? Curious about working with me in the coming year? My coaching slots for the first half of 2017 are half full - perhaps one of the final spots is meant just for you. Reach out to me HERE and we'll schedule a chat to see if we're a good fit.