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Fear is a Choice

You should be leaving your legacy Now!

From Scott:

Well, I would say two things, fears of choice. So that's number one, you know, we choose to be fearful, you know, and it's about living in the future.

And you know, we create stories all the time and we can't allow those stories in our head to dictate how our life ends up going.

And again, it's really easy with what is being facilitated on social media.

What's being facilitated in the news it's it's really easy to get sucked into that drama and the the the fear that is being instilled out there. But again, it's your choice.

You can either be live in fear, or you can be enlightened, and you can be excited about this time and I know people may be listening to that and saying, How the hell can you be excited about the time right now?

Well, What I can tell you is that, you know, opportunity knocks in the most inopportune times. Absolutely. And, you know, a lot of people may feel that we're we're in this this dark tunnel right now.

But the one thing that I can tell you if you know anything about tunnels, there's always a light at the end of it. That's right. And as long as we keep moving forward, we're going to get to where we want to be. And so number one is don't give in to the fear number two, is really seek to pull all the positives out of this current situation that you can. Whether it's you're cooking more at home than you ever did before, you're not you're not ordering in, you're not like ordering out you're not going through drive thru.

You're paying more attention to your your hygiene than you ever had before. You're spending more quality time with your kids, your your your You're being more socially interactive, you're, you're finding new ways to communicate with your family, whether it's through Skype or zoom or FaceTime, you're being very intentional with prayer or gratitude or your faith, you're, you're just so much more present, you're stopping to smell the roses, the air is cleaner pollution has diminished.

You know, money is not ruling the world right now, all these things that if you start thinking about them, there have been some positives. From all of this. Every positive has a negative, every negative has a positive, and you can choose to focus on either one of those.

So even though there absolutely has been some negative things that have happened with this, I still to choose, I still choose to focus on the half the glass being half full, instead of being half empty. So I try to find the best and the the victories and the lessons and the positives, no matter what's going going on in the world.


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