I’m excited to bring you today’s guest, Lauren Lee Stone. It’s a really honest and insightful discussion about how she navigated health challenges for two of her sons, who are both thriving adults today.

It’s a story of finding the root causes behind her son’s autism diagnosis and then later PANS and PANDAS diagnoses for two of her sons.

In my talk with Lauren, you’ll hear…

The health concerns that began when her son was a newborn and progressed to an autism diagnosis at age four How getting a diagnosis was a turning point for their family The types of practitioners and approaches that were most beneficial for her son, including homeopathy The importance of gut-healing and the gut-brain connection How she found the unique inflammatory foods for all three of her children and changed their diets to reduce inflammation The role of heavy metals (and Lauren’s own mercury dental fillings) in her son’s toxicity levels When and why her son “lost” his autism diagnosis How the family treated PANS/PANDAS in two of their sons

In the search to heal her own children, Lauren came to bioenergetics, and chose to make it her career after experiencing its success firsthand. In addition to a B.A. from Yale University and a Ph. D. from Cornell University, Lauren has a Master’s in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport. Lauren holds advanced certifications in homotoxicology, BioSET and Quantum Reflex Analysis, and is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP), and a Board Certified Integrative Health Practitioner.

Lauren has a private practice in homotoxicology and nutrition located in Westport CT, although she works with clients nationally and internationally.

Lauren is also a board member of Epidemic Answers, a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to reestablishing vibrant health in our children and ourselves through education, empowerment and prevention.

Lauren is author of Everyday Immunity: A Wellness Primer, and co-author of the book Brain Under Attack: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers of Children with PANS, PANDAS, AND Autoimmune Encephalitis.

You can find Lauren online at laurenleestone.com or altheahealthandwellness.com/.

Episode web page: https://rebuildingmyhealth.com/autism/

Before we play this episode, I want to make it very clear that – as always at Rebuilding My Health - this was one person’s health experience of long-haul and also of what she’s seen in some of her clients. It’s not intended to help treat the virus or long-haul but to offer some insight into what worked for someone else. Everyone is different so talk with your health practitioner about your own case.

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