Petal Modeste is an Associate Dean at Columbia Law School, overseeing Professional Advancement, Graduate Degree Programs and Executive Education. She is also the creator and host of the Parenting for the Future Podcast, which gives parents a new lens through which to understand the forces that shape our world as well as cutting-edge parenting tools to help them raise the next generation of powerful, purposeful people.


She serves on the boards of several nonprofits dedicated to positively impacting the lives of families and children. Petal shares her rebirth story, why it’s important to have open conversations at the dinner table with your children, and the first time she realized she was a second-class citizen.


Key Takeaways

A little bit about Petal and where she is from.  Studies show that teenagers that have at least 1-3 meals a week with their families, they’re less likely to do drugs. By talking to members of your family, you can get a bigger picture of the world at large. Not everyone in your family thinks the same and it opens you up for more dialogue. Good conversations start at the dinner table. So many people don’t actually know how to have a conversation. With so much social unrest happening, people are confused about how to even start the conversation if they’re not sure how to even address it themselves. Parents are way more powerful than they recognize. Our children are living in a completely different world than what we’ve experienced as children. It’s almost hard to relate. It’s important to teach your children that it’s easy to communicate with you, even if it’s not always pleasant. We really have to be thoughtful and mindful of WHO our children are hanging out with. What do they believe? Are they a positive or toxic influence on your family? JR has put himself in an interesting position with his daughter. They’re so close and have a great friendship that she sometimes forgets that he’s her parent. Why did Petal go to law school? Petal never let other people define her. She is her own woman. Look out world! Petal left corporate America so that she could be a more present mother. Why did Petal start her podcast, Parenting for the Future? JR noticed that he has a difficult time apologizing because that’s something that was not modeled in his household. What is something that Petal has discovered since having her podcast? We have a lot to teach our children, but we also have to actively engage in who they are. Really get to know their personality. They’re not a direct reflection of you.


Continue On Your Journey

Parenting for the Future

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