2020 means YOU NEED ALL THE IMMUNE SYSTEM HELP YOU CAN GET! My go-to are these 2 supplements right here:

1. Accelerated Silver. My friend Sara Banta(check out ep. 110 for more info on her and her products!) created THE best silver I have ever found. It's antiviral, tastes like water, safe, and effective. Use coupon code REBELWHITECOAT15 for 15% off your order. Check it out HERE: accelerated-scalar-silver

2. Juice Plus Trio. This is REAL vine ripened food in a capsule. Over 30 fruits, veggies, and berries and since my family started taking it, we haven't been to the doctor. Check it out HERE. As with anything I recommend, email for more info/questions at any time! And I can get you a FREE order for your kids too. Just ask me how. 

In this episode I brag on my love of Moldavite and what this amazing tektite has done for my spiritual growth and manifestation. I have been wearing it for years and love the energy it brings to me. I would love to know your experience with moldavite too. Hit me up on IG@ kelly_rompel or email me at [email protected]

All the love, light, and good vibes!

Kelly Rompel