Hormones are wicked ladies, AM I RIGHT??! They can do crazy things to our skin! Dr. Heather Rhodes blew my mind and I finally feel empowered that I can change my skin for the better just by understanding my hormone cycles.

Heather is a holistic pharmacist with a passion for teaching women about their hormones. She makes hormones simple, and gives women practical ways to experience symptom relief and hormone balance.  Her holistic approach to healing creates lasting results and huge impact in women's health specifically for PCOS, PMS, Acne, and Fertility. She’s a crossfit instructor, recovering exercise addict, and adoption advocate! Oh! And a wife & #crunchymomma to her one year old son, Judah. 😊

  Instagram: @drheatherrhodes
Website: www.drheatherrhodes.com Freebie Link!:  https://www.drheatherrhodes.com/just-for-you