If you've ever wondered how to find a health care provider who will support your Code Red Lifestyle™, this is the podcast for you.

My sister, Cari, has a master’s degree in nursing education and has taught at nursing school. She's also worked as a nurse for decades.

All that means she's been around a lot of primary care providers. Some she liked working with, and some she didn't, because some acted like dictators instead of doctors.

Look, your doctor isn't your dictator. Your doctor is a partner in your health journey. If they're not acting like it, that's a red flag.

Plus, though I’m a big believer in the medical establishment for many reasons, weight loss is not one of them! 

The majority of health care providers today are overweight and metabolically sick.

When an overweight, sick physician tells YOU how to lose weight, while also questioning and criticizing your lifestyle of real food, water, and sleep, again, it's probably time for a different primary care provider.

Tune into this week’s podcast to hear both why you should shop around for a healthcare provider, what to look for, what to avoid, and how to research which provider will work best for you.

Listen to this week's new episode in the Code Red network, in your favorite podcast app, or on YouTube!


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