This episode is all about how quickly we forget, and what happens when we do.

I was born partially deaf in my right ear, but my hearing loss wasn't discovered until I was in seventh grade, after my math teacher made fun of me in front of the whole class because I couldn’t hear him.

My parents had my hearing checked after that, and that's when we discovered my partial hearing loss.

I got hit in the head a lot during my eight-year boxing career, which made my hearing loss worse.

Fast-forward to last year, when I finally invested in high-quality hearing aids, and let me tell ya...I had no idea how much I was missing!

When I go to the gym in The Grove Hotel (which I live above at the time of this episode), I take my hearing aids out because I sit in the sauna after I work out and don’t want them to get all gross.

Sometimes I chat with other people in the sauna, including a lobbyist I met there recently. I really wanted to hear what he had to say, but without my hearing aids I could only hear one in every three words. It was awful!

And it got me thinking about how quickly we forget how miserable we USED TO BE.

In my case, I left my hearing aids behind because I quickly forgot how miserable it is not to be able to hear people.

When it comes to the Code Red Lifestyle™, how quickly we forget the misery we lived in before switching to real food, water, and sleep.

That’s why this episode is all about how quickly we forget...and more importantly, how we can remember...not so we wallow in the pain, but so we don't lose sight of what we left behind, slip back into our old ways, and lose everything we worked so hard to get.


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