This week, we are having a staff retreat. Hear what we have learned and noticed being around like-minded people. We had no idea how powerful this has been.

Being around people that lift you up and make you better than you are is very important if you are trying to achieve something. It gets so much easier to reach and maintain your goals when you are around such uplifting people who have the same goals as you. You feel their energy, which then inspires you to get better. It’s almost like a church camp experience.

During our staff retreat, besides having a good time, we learned a lot from each other and how the Code Red way of living and lifestyle has an impact on people’s lives. Surrounding yourself with your tribe gives you the strength to conquer your fears.

Some other observations we made from being around our tribe is the positive outlook everybody in the tribe has and the kindness. We are nonjudgmental because we have all been there; we struggled with weight but took our lives back.

Now, you may be thinking that you don’t have a tribe of like-minded people around you. Cristy and Cari advise that you may have to put in the effort to connect with a tribe. Maybe you need to arrange something or make plans, and people join you. You have to make an effort to find these people and connect with them.

Key Takeaways

Why you should surround yourself with people with similar goals (01:57) Having a relaxing, calm time at the staff retreat (06:40) How our amazing zip-lining experience went down (07:46) How the Code Red lifestyle impacts people’s lives and empowers them (09:09) Surrounding yourself with your tribe gives you strength (10:33) Code Red rebels learn to carry their own stuff (11:32) It’s so much easier to maintain your goals when you surround yourself with people with similar goals (12:40) How to find your tribe (17:39)

Additional Resources: The "Code Red Revolution" book on Amazon Get your FREE copy of the On-The-Go Guide for Code Red approved food here:  You can find out more about Cristy and the topic covered in this episode by checking out her website here. Lies My Doctor Told Me By Ken D. Berry


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Click here to take the 10-pound takedown challenge!

Be sure to grab your copy of my book, The Code Red Revolution here

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