About Paul: 

My entire life changed after being fired from 4 executive leadership roles. 

Fired for demonstrating the leadership qualities that I was hired for. Later this simple acronym would become the FIRED leadership framework and lead the way in regenerating the future of leadership.

F – Fresh Thinking 
I – Inquisitive Nature 
R – Real and Accountable 
E – Expressive and Challenging
D – Direct and Transparent

In early 2017, after my 4th firing, I realized the current leadership model was broken. I had developed leaders for over 25 years, though the qualities I was hired for and later fired for were not present in the leadership development programs I was delivering to clients. 

I then became curious if we were identifying, recruiting, onboarding, and developing leaders with the leadership qualities needed for the future. I reviewed hundreds of global leadership hiring processes, onboarding practices, and development programs which revealed we were not. I then asked the boldest question that no one wanted to ask. 

Are organizations complicit in this hypocrisy? 

I researched and shared my perspective on this question through writing, speaking, and meeting others who started asking similar questions. 

Slowly and deeply more people began to listen. 

My research (including feedback I received) reveals that organizations are proactively or passively developing and reinforcing organizational and leadership cultures of hypocrisy, systemic dysfunction, and toxicity. Organizations continue to normalize and incentivize this dysfunction, which leads to and results in a misaligned and broken leadership model. 

I now serve as a dedicated guide to help Boards, CSuite, the HR Community (VP, Director, Business Partner), and Chief Disruption Officers reinvent and regenerate the future of leadership using an evidence-based, experiential and experimental approach. 

FranchiseU! is for those in, or considering, careers within the world of franchising.

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