The family meal table is the place where everybody gets to talk. It's where everyone experiences what's happening, connections are strengthened and values are clarified.

No matter what's going on or what's happening, it's the place where everybody gets an opportunity to share how they are doing.

It's doesn't matter if it's stressy, or emotional, it's so powerful to unburden themselves of what they are carrying.

The uncertainties of our time, the burdens or anxieties of the heart, all of these can be identified and shared.

Parents get to display the immensely powerful 'value' of 'GRACE'. It is the powerful piece of belonging and being accepted in a family.

Grace is healing.

Grace is accepting.

Grace listens.

Grace heals.

Grace loves and cherishes.

This is how parents make sure their kids know their identity as a powerful human being who 'belongs' and is received in the family.

Beware of some things...

Watch out for 'perfectionism'. The burden of trying to make everything perfect is back-breaking.

Watch out for the enemy of unforgiveness. Your family should be a place where everyone gets to enjoy forgiveness. It never excuses bad behaviour, nor does it allow for ongoing bad behaviour.....but it always allows for a way back after the wrongdoing has been admitted.